Aug 7, 2010

Old models of Epson printer, Epson 4000p, Epson 7600/9600 Also can change CMYK double machine.

Conclusion first.

With DavinciTurboRIP, Epson 4000p printer can be fast printing dyesub machine, and also 7600/9600.

Actually Epson 4000p is 7 color machine, Mk , C M Y Pk Lc Lm Lk, And Mk and Pk can not print at one time, this meaning is must use alternately. So, unfortunately 7 color actually has 8 head nozzles. DavinciTurboRIP change this printer as CMYKCMY instead of original ink order.
Then K has just 1 nozzle but K is enough. And can use mix with CMY so no problem.

The same way Epson 7600/9600 also works well.

The reason why I'm focusing on these machines is because some country still use that machine popularly.
And With DavinciTurboRIP, this old machines can print as fast as new machines (epson 4880/9880/7880) !!! with cheap used printer price.

So it's much worth of concerning these machines, if you have, or your neighbor have these machines, then get them free or buy cheap price.

With DavinciTurboRIP, Now you get fast dyesub printing machine.

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